Thursday, 5 May 2011

fish pedicure

Fish pedicures are the new craze, but if you're anxious about getting one, then I suggest you read this!

Having fish nibble away at your dead skin isn't the nicest thought, however this new pedicure works wonders and in my opinion is quite therapeutic. 

The fish are known as 'doctor fish' and was discovered firstly in Turkey in the 1800's.  They apparently have an enzyme called Diathonal which is said to improve skin regeneration. 

It's not just pretty feet you'll be gaining from the experience either!  Benefits of using this procedure are that it stimulates acupuncture points, improves blood circulation and leaves your skin feeling smooth.  

There has been speculation about how the fish could be spreading diseases or infections in recent months through open wounds.   However if you go to a professional fish spa, with filtered tanks, you should feel comfortable knowing you are in safe hands. 
The tank used for fish pedicures. 

P~T~F went to Feet Bliss in Canterbury high street to check out the new beauty regime.  The shop looked very professional and we was greeted with wonderful customer service. Here they use the Garra Rufa fish in small, singular tanks, like you can see above.

Emily Poynter was P~T~F's volunteer for a trial of the fish pedicure.  She was admittedly quite scared about the experience before we went, having heard in the news about the concerns of spreading infections.  

Lydia Jones, who works at Feet Bliss, was very reassuring and explained to us how the tanks work.  

She explained the tanks used, are the latest hygienic tanks, with an excellent filtration system which purifies the water constantly.  Within the tanks they have a UV light which destroys 99.9% of bacteria!  She also said how the water is filtered and recycled 8 times an hour, meaning they are very hygienic. 

After hearing this, Emily was raring to go!  P~T~F caught her experience on camera:

Emily started to thoroughly enjoy the experience once she was over the initial tickling feeling. She recommended it to lots of friends and says her feet are now silky smooth! 


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