Thursday, 5 May 2011

fish pedicure

Fish pedicures are the new craze, but if you're anxious about getting one, then I suggest you read this!

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

J- Lo's amazing comeback!

J- Lo is back! And not only with her new album 'LOVE' which was released yesterday! 

Is romance dead?

A study has revealed that a MAN is more likely to say 'I love you' first.  Yes, hard to believe, but maybe men do care a lot more then they let on.  Are they romantics at heart? Laura Kerrigan investigates. 

Monday, 2 May 2011

Internet dating dilemmas

He finally met a beautiful, compatible women and this was all thanks to  But after a month of dating, John realised she was not quite the perfect picture he had first met online. 

Friday, 29 April 2011

This seasons trends

Topshop items

Fringe and feathers go hand in hand this season.  Pocahontas would be proud! With fringed tops, bags, shoes and feather accessories, the new hippy look is taking storm! 

Marriage... would you?

We are all aware of the fact our William has tied the knot with the beautiful Kate. However is Marriage important in today's society? Would you take the plunge?

Don't say no to charity!

High street looks but more then half the price! Yes you guessed it, we're talking charity shopping!